




The teacher took my paper before I had finished the test.(我做完所有題目之前、老師就取走了我的考卷)

I had never seen him before he visited our class yesterday.(在昨天他訪問我們的班級之前、我從沒見過他)

After I had spoken, I realized my mistake.

The secretary did not leave until she had finished her work.(秘書在完成工作後才離開的)

**When, as soon as.
When (as soon as)she had finished her work, she went to the movies.(她做完工作後、就去看電影了)

He had just gone to bed when the telephone rang.(他剛上了床後、電話就響了)

I had scarcely arrived when I was put right to the work.(我一到、他們馬上叫我工作)

ii) 其他副詞子句

Because she had not reported the theft immediately, the police was unable to help her.

Although she had reported the theft immediately, the police were unable to help her.

The weather was far worse than any of us had anticipated.(天氣比我們任何一個人所期待的都還惡劣)


If he had studied harder last week, he would have passed the examination(如果上週有加把勁的話、他就會考及格了)

I wish I had been there yesterday.


That he had failed once was no indication that he would fail again.(他曾經失敗過一次並不表示他會再度失敗)

He said that he had left his wallet at home.(他說他把他的錢包忘在家中了)

He was worried about what he had just heard.

His belief that he had betrayed his country could not be shaken.(對於他已經背叛他的國家之事、他深信不移)

***hope, expect,intend,plan, think…等等、這些動詞若在主子句裡以過去完成式出現的話、就表示所希望的、期待的事情没有實現。

I had hoped to take a vacation this summer, but I was forced to change my plans.(我本来希望這個夏天去渡假、但被迫P改變計劃)..渡假没實現


The man who had stolen the money two weeks ago confessed last night.(兩週前偷錢的人於咋昨晚招供了)

The house where he had lived as a child was right on the lake.(他小時住過的屋子就在湖上)

He could still remember the good times he had had as a child.(他仍然記得他小時渡過的美好光陰)


The secretary did not leave until she finished her work.(秘書做完她的工作後才離開的)

He said that he left his wallet at home.

The man who stole the money two weeks ago confessed last night.(兩週前偷錢的人於昨晚招供了)

*但是若含下列時間副詞的話就不能用過去式取代:Just (already)---when, 
scarcely (hardly)---when,
No sooner----than.



He had been working very hard; the doctor told him to take a vacation.(在醫生告訴他去渡假之前他一直都很努力的工作)

We had been waiting in the doctor's office for an hour before we were told that he was still at the hospital.(我們在醫生的辦公室裏等了一小時後才被告知醫生仍在醫院裡)


She had been planning to go to the beach when it suddenly started to rain.(當她正在計劃去海灘時、天突然下起雨來)

He had been working on his painting for months when the order for it was suddenly cancelled.(訂單突然被取消時、他已經作畫了數個月)

Everyone had just been talking about him when he suddenly appeared.(當他突然出現時、每個人正一直在談論他)


    創作者 葉山の英日語世界 的頭像


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